Entering the Ice Castle in the Land of Ooo


 when I started this costume I had no idea that it was gonna be this hard.
     I believed that it would just be a simple bodice, skirt and some fancy sleeves but how was I wrong. 

     It all started after a debate among a group of friends on what we should do for our last few weeks of summer before we had to go back to school and back to the routine life of waking up at 4:30 heading to school, coming home at 2:10, doing homework and having barely enough time to watch maybe one or two episodes of Voltron before going straight to bed.
    I've always been a fan of cosplay, the idea of being able to change oneself entirely for a period of time has always fascinated me. So there I got the brilliant idea that we should do a group cosplay at a local, tiny, and free convention.
     one by one my group slowly decided that it was a great idea and we each began brainstorming about different group cosplays some being; TeenTitans, Suicide Squad, Pirates of the Caribbean, Lord of the Rings and more. but every time we came up with an idea, someone else wouldn't really be in the mood to do it.
      in the end, we came to the conclusion of choosing between Teen Titans and Adventure Time. both shows that everyone in our group liked and had watched before. it not only was perfect that we had finally came to an agreement but that in both groups my friend (Jojo) and I could successfully cosplay female characters.
     So finally we put it to a vote and Adventure time won, but then we ran into the problem that there weren't enough male characters for the rest of our group to cosplay. And after much bickering on who would be who, we decided to do the gender-bend version of each character. this led to the problem of there not being enough girls to cosplay and I really didn't feel like being Cake the Cat so I decided I'd be the villain and instantly our problem was solved.
       so it was decided that:

  • Jojo would be Fiona the Human
  • Emy would be Prince Gumball
  • Kevy would be Marshal Lee
  • Roger would be Bemo 
  • and I would be the Ice Queen
     Soon after I went onto Pinterest and began to scavenge all the fanart, original art and anything that looked like the Ice Queen so I could start making her dress. Art can only get you so far so I began to look on Instagram and Facebook what other cosplayers had done in hopes that I could use some of their ideas to help me make my idea better. Sadly many of the other cosplays didn't fit my idea of what her dress was supposed to look like so I quickly hopped off my phone and ran down to my sewing room to see if I had anything to use for her dress. 
      Sadly, silks of Dark Blue and Light Blue are not something you come across in Thrift shops and my heart ached at the thought of having to spend so much in stores like Joann's. But I had no choice, in order for her dress to stand out I had to take the time, effort and money to make her gown perfect. 


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